Beautiful, calm, and sweet-mannered, Mille Fleur chickens can be a great addition to your backyard flock. Besides their big personalities, these chickens make ideal pets and show birds but terrible...
Large chickens and roosters do eat mice as these pests are high in calcium and protein, although smaller chickens often ignore them. Eating mice is a health risk to chickens given the germs and...
Roosters are mainly fertile during the first 3 years of their lives, with fertility levels gradually decreasing as they get older. Much like humans, their fertility can be impacted by things such as...
Chickens will reach their typical eating size from 16 to 24 weeks, although every breed is different and so growth do rates vary. Some owners of free-range chickens will not slaughter their hens...
Both quail eggs and chicken eggs are rich in protein, fat and iron with quail eggs being slightly more nutritious. The main drawback is the higher cholesterol levels in quail eggs, although people...
Chickens can eat mealworms and they are a nutrient-rich addition to your flock’s diet. As protein powerhouses, mealworms increase their egg production, help them during molting, and improve their...